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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


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Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

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Dima, B., Dima (Cristea), S., Preda, C. Inside the Black Box: Informational Entropy of High – Frequency Data on Forex Market. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, p.63-78, 2012.

Fernández-Martín JL, Carrero JJ, Benedik M, Bos WJ, Covic A, Ferreira A, Floege J, Goldsmith D, Gorriz JL, Ketteler M, Kramar R, Locatelli F, London G, Martin PY, Memmos D, Nagy J, Naves-Díaz M, Pavlovic D, Rodríguez-García M, Rutkowski B, Teplan V, Tiele COSMOS: the dialysis scenario of CKD-MBD in Europe.. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2012.

Bolignano D, Rastelli S, Agarwal R, Fliser D, Massy Z, Ortiz A, Wiecek A, Martinez-Castelao A, Covic A, Goldsmith D, Suleymanlar G, Lindholm B, Parati G, Sicari R, Gargani L, Mallamaci F, London G, Zoccali C. Pulmonary Hypertension in CKD.. Am J Kidney Dis, 2012.

Wüthrich RP, Chonchol M, Covic A, Gaillard S, Chong E, Tumlin JA. Randomized Clinical Trial of the Iron-Based Phosphate Binder PA21 in Hemodialysis Patients.. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol, 2012.

Sicari R, Gargani L, Wiecek A, Covic A, Goldsmith D, Suleymanlar G, Parati G, Ortiz A, Massy Z, Martinez-Castelao A, Lindholm B, Heine GH, Fliser D, Mallamaci F, London G, Zoccali C; EUropean REnal and Cardiovascular Medicine (EURECA-m) working group of t The use of echocardiography in observational clinical trials: the EURECA-m registry.. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2012.

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A. V. Nastuta, I. Topala, G. Popa ICCD Imaging Of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet Behavior In Different Electrodes Configurations. IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science, p.2310 - 231, 2011.

T. Gerling, A. V. Nastuta, R. Bussiahn, E. Kindel, K.-D. Weltmann Back and forth directed plasma bullets in a helium atmospheric pressure needle-to-plane discharge with oxygen admixtures. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, p.034012, 2012.

Imre Juhász, Ágoston Róth A class of generalized B-spline curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design, p.85-115, 2013.

David Delia, Ciprian Costea Approaches regarding the specific provisions for credit risk in the context of IFRS application by the romanian banking system.. The Innovation and Sustainable Economic Competitive Advantage – From Regional Development to World economies , p.972-985, 2012.

David Delia The financial assets accepted with the purpose of being financed by the National Bank of Romania. Approaches regarding the application of international accounting standards by romanian banking institution. 7 th International Scientific Conference “ Business and Management 2012” Vilnius, Lituania, p.22-29, 2012.

Narcisa Tirban, Laura Rebeca Precup Stiegelbauer, Rodica Teodora Biris, Overview of Teaching English for Medical Purposes via Computer:A Case-Study: “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Romania,. CHHSS, p.117 – 121, 2012.

Laza Dima Stancuta, Tirban Narcisa. The Complex Facets of Interpreting Competence,. International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research,, p.119 – 123, 2012.

Narcisa Tirban The Future of Teaching English Language in Romania and Globalisation.. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012.

Paula Onofrei, Laura Rebeca Precup Stiegelbauer, Narcisa Tirban. A Challenge: Teaching ESP in a Creative Manner.. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences , 2012.

Laura Rebeca Precup Stiegelbauer, Narcisa Tirban, Paula Onofrei. PRAGMATIC AND EXPERIENCED RULES FOR TEACHERS OF ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. EDULEARN12 Proceedings, p.97-100, 2012.

Laura Rebeca Precup Stiegelbauer, Narcisa Tirban, Viorica Banciu. Translation as a Means of Communication in a Multicultural World.. ICITE, p.166-170, 2012.

Laura-Rebeca Precup-Stiegelbauer, Narcisa Tirban, and Paula-Andreea Onofrei Oral History and Oral Communication in Today’s Culture.. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, p.316-319, 2012.

Laura Rebeca Precup Stiegelbauer, Narcisa Tirban, Cristian Bente. Are there Connections between English and Romanian Terminology in Medicine?. ICLMC, p.193-196, 2012.

Laura-Rebeca Precup-Stiegelbauer, Narcisa Tirban, Speranta Milancovici. The Legendary King Arthur and its Possible Oral History Flourishing Transmitters from the Dark Ages until the Middle Age.. IPDER, p.38-42, 2012.

Narcisa Tirban, Laura Rebeca Precup Stiegelbauer, Speranta Milancovici. Are Still There Technophobic Professors and Student Computer Geeks in Romania.. IPEDR, p.135-140, 2012.

Narcisa Tirban, Laura Rebeca Precup Stiegelbauer, Paula Onofrei, Teodor Patrauta. Challenges and Barriers for Students in Romania.. ICKCS, 2012.

M. Ramillien, N. Vanthuyne, M. Jean, D. Gherase, M. Giorgi, J.-V. Naubron, P. Piras, C. Roussel Enantiomers of dimethyl [(2E)-1,3-diphenylprop-2-en-1-yl]propanedioate resulting from allylic alkylation reaction: Elution order on major high-performance liquid chromatography chiral columns. Journal of Chromatography A, p.82–93, 2012.

D. Gherase, J.-V. Naubron, C. Roussel and M. Giorgi XRD and VCD: a marriage of love or convenience? Honeymoon around a cyclic urea derivative. Acta Crystallographica Section C-Crystal Structure Communications, p.O247-O252, 2012.

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Chinthaka Sanath Gangabadage, Andzelika Najda, Diana Bogdan, Sybren S Wijmenga, Marco Tessari Dependence of the size of a protein-SDS complex on detergent and Na+ concentrations. J Phys Chem B, p.4242-4245, 2008.

Vincent J Smith, Diana Bogdan, Mino R Caira, Mircea Bogdan, Susan A Bourne, Sorin I Fãrcaş Cyclodextrin inclusion of four phenylurea herbicides: determination of complex stoichiometries and stability constants using solution 1H NMR spectroscopy. Supramol Chem, p.172-177, 2010.

Elise JC de Vries, Mino R Caira, Mircea Bogdan, Sorin I Farcas, Diana Bogdan Inclusion of parabens in beta-cyclodextrin: A solution NMR and X-ray structural investigation. Supramol Chem, p.358-366, 2009.

Diana Bogdan, Radu Isai, Adrian Calborean, Cristian Morari Ab initio study of the vibrational properties of single-walled silicon nanotubes. Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures, p.1441-1445, 2012.

Diana Bogdan, Cristian Morari Electronic Properties of DNA Nucleosides Adsorbed on a Au(100) Surface. J Phys Chem C, p.7351-7359, 2012.

M El Garah, F Palmino, F Chérioux, S Melinte, B Hackens, M Silveira Rodrigues, D Bogdan, E Duverger Adsorption of zwitterionic assemblies on Si(111)-7 x 7: A joint tunneling spectroscopy and ab initio study. Phys Rev B, p.035425, 2012.

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Chirculescu, A. R. M.; Panduru, Andra; Chirculescu, Mihaela; Morris, J. F., Gerota and Brancusi: Romanian anatomy and art face to face.. JOURNAL OF ANATOMY , p.pp. 275-27, 2010.

A.P. Rambu, G.I. Rusu Effect of Preparation Conditions on the Microstructural Characteristics and Optical Properties of Oxidized Zinc Films. Superlattices and Microstructures , p.300, 2010.

G.G. Rusu, A.P. Rambu, V.E. Buta M.Dobromir, D.Luca, M.Rusu Structural and optical characterization of Al-doped ZnO films prepared by thermal oxidation of evaporated Zn/Al multilayered films. Material Chemistry and Physics, p.314 , 2010.

A.P. Rambu, D. Sirbu, G. I. Rusu Influence of the oxidation conditions on the structural characteristics and optical properties of zinc oxide thin films. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, p.1344, 2010.

S. Condurache-Bota, N. Tigau, A. P. Rambu, G. G. Rusu, G. I. Rusu Optical and Electrical Properties of Thermally-Oxidized Bismuth Thin Films. Applied Surface Science, p.10545 , 2011.

A.P. Rambu, D. Sirbu, N. Iftimie, G.I. Rusu Polycrystalline ZnO-In2O3 thin films as gas sensors. Thin Solid Films, p.1303, 2011.

A.P.Rambu, N.Iftimie, G.I.Rusu Influence of the substrate nature on the properties of ZnO thin films. Materials Science and Engineering B, p.157, 2012.

Liviu Leontie, Ramona Danac, Mihaela Girtan, Aurelian Carlescu, Alicia Petronela Rambu, Gheorghe I. Rusu Electron transport properties of some new 4-tert-butylcalix[4]arene derivatives in thin films. Materials Chemistry and Physics , p.123, 2012.

A.P.Rambu, N.Iftimie, V.Nica Effect of In incorporation on the structural, electrical and gas sensing properties of ZnO Films. Journal of Materials Science, p.6979, 2012.

A.P. Rambu, D. Sirbu, M. Dobromir, G. G. Rusu Electronic transport and optical properties of indium oxide thin films prepared by thermal oxidation. Solid State Sciences, p.1543, 2012.

Narcisa- Mihaela Stoicu, Sorin Fildan Starea de necesitate în reglementãrile constituţionale. Gândirea militarã româneascã, p.170-175, 2012.

Ersek, V., Clark, P.U., Mix, A.C., Cheng, H. and Edwards, R.L. Holocene winter climate variability in mid-latitude western North America. Nature Communications, p.1219, 2012.