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premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


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Jackowe DJ, Murariu D, Parsa NN, Parsa FD. Chronic fistulas after breast augmentation secondary to Mycobacterium abscessus. Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery, p.38e-39e, 2010.

Wong DR, Coselli JS, Palmero L, Bozinovski J, Carter SA, Murariu D, LeMaire SA Axillary perfusion in surgery for acute and subacute ascending aortic dissections. Annals of Thoracic Surgery, p.731-7, 2010.

Murariu D, Tatsuno B, Hirai CA, Takamori R Case Report and Management of Suspected Acute Appendicitis in Pregnancy. Hawaii Medical Journal, p.30-32, 2011.

Parsa FD, Koehler S, Parsa AA, Murariu D, Daher P Symmastia after breast augmentation. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, p.63e-5e, 2011.

Parsa AA, Murariu D, Koehler S, Daher P, Parsa FD Visual impairment after blepharoplasty and after steroid injection. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, p.136e-7e, 2011.

Samaşca G, Cherecheş-Panţa P, Fufezan O, Farcãu D, Gheban D, Cristea V Coeliac disease and variable immunodeficiency. Case report. Revista Românã de Medicinã de Laborator, p.193-197, 2011.

Tanaseanu C, Moldoveanu E, Tanaseanu S, Neagu M, Popescu M, Tamsulea I Patients with primary antiphospholipid syndrome and coronary microvascular dysfunction – a distinct clinical subset. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, p.763-764, 2004.

Colita A, Niculescu-Mizil E, Moicean A, Ursea C, Dumitrescu A, Moldoveanu E, Ostroveanu D, Leahu S, Dobrea C, Colita D Acute leukemia following idiopathic chronic myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia. British Journal of Haematology, p.106, 1998.

Moldoveanu E, Moicean A, Colita A, Halalau F The value of the ultrastructural pattern of myeloperoxidase and plateletperoxidase in identification of two blastic cell types during transformation of a chronic myeloproliferative disorder. HAEMATOLOGIA, p.135-141, 1996.

Tanaseanu S, Tanaseanu C, Moldoveanu E, Kosaka T, Manea G, Badea C, Diaconu C, Marta D, Cojan A The significance of serum platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase in systemic lupus erythematosus. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, p.234, 2004.

Tanaseanu C, Tanaseanu S, Moldoveanu E, Kosaka T, Tamsulea I, Badea C, Diaconu C Endothelial protection treatment in systemic lupus erythematosus. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, p.234, 2004.

Tanaseanu CM, Moldoveanu E, Tanaseanu S, Marta DS, Manea G, Tamsulea I, Popescu M, Dumitrascu A, Kosaka T, Grecu V, Uscatescu V Antiphospholipid antibodies, vascular endothelial growth factor, P-selectin and lipoprotein-associated phospholipase-A2, predictors of pulmonary arterial hypertension. Annals of The Rheumatic Diseases, p.246, 2005.

Lucian Negura, Eugen Carasevici, Anca Negura, Nancy Uhrhammer, Yves-Jean Bignon Identification of a recurrent BRCA1 mutation in two breast/ovarian cancer predisposition families with distinct phenotypes, by using allele-specific multiplex-PCR. Romanian Rerview of Laboratory Medicine, p.53-61, 2010.

Negura L, Uhrhammer N, Negura A, Artenie V, Carasevici E, Bignon YJ. Complete BRCA mutation screening in breast and ovarian cancer predisposition families from a North-Eastern Romanian population.. Familial Cancer, p.519-523, 2010.

Moldoveanu E, Marta DS, Manea G, Tanaseanu RG, Tanaseanu C Circulation adiponectin level a prognostic marker for patients with heart failure. European Journal of Heart Failure , p.149, 2007.

Tanaseanu C, Tanaseanu S, Moldoveanu E, Tamsulea I, Marta D, Ionescu R, Stoian M Changes of interstitial cells of cajal – A cause of gastrointestinal motility disturbances in patients with systemic sclerosis. Annals of The Rheumatic Diseases, p.149, 2006.

Tanaseanu CM, Tanaseanu S, Moldoveanu E, Dumitrascu A, Popescu M, Tamsula I Risk factors for endothelial dysfunction in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Annals of The Rheumatic Diseases 66 Suppl. 2, p.483-484, 2007.

Opris D, Corneteanu RS, Berghea F, Bojinca V, Balanescu A, Precleteanu D, Bara C, Moldoveanu E, Ionescu R, Stoica V Low levels of serum paraoxonase found in a cohort of Sjogren’s syndrome patients. Annals of The Rheumatic Diseases, p.475, 2007.

Sfrent-Cornateanu R, Manea G, Marta DS, Mihai C Berghea F, Bara C, Moldoveanu E Higher oxidative biomarkers associated with atherosclerosis found in a systemic sclerosis cohort. Annals of The Rheumatic Diseases, p.151, 2007.

Moldoveanu E, Marta DS, Tanaseanu G, Serban M, Serban I, Manea G, Dinca G, Kosaka T Homocysteine thiolactonase/esterase activity of paraoxonase 1 in heart failure patients. FEBS JOURNAL , p.275, 2008.

Sacuiu S, Gustafson D, Sjögren M, Guo X, Ostling S, Johansson B, Skoog I. Secular changes in cognitive predictors of dementia and mortality in 70-year-olds. Neurology, p.779-785, 2010.

Tanaseanu CM, Tanaseanu ST, Dumitrascu A, Tiglea I, Popescu M, Moldoveanu E Serum lactate dehydrogenase activity – a possible parameter for vascular involvement in patients with systemic sclerosis. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, p.S176, 2010.

Dumitrascu A, Draghici C, Dumitrascu C, Tanaseanu ST, Moldoveanu E, Tanaseanu C The echocardiographic parameters useful in asymptomatic patients with systemic sclerosis. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, p.S145, 2010.

Moldoveanu E, Moicean A, Colita A, Halalau F The value of the ultrastructural pattern of myeloperoxidase and plateletperoxidase in identification of two blastic cell types during transformation of a chronic myeloproliferative disorder. Haematologia, p.135-141, 1996.

Stoian I, Oros A, Moldoveanu E Apoptosis and free radicals. BIOCHEMICAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE, p.93-97, 1996.

Moldoveanu E, Stoian I, Voinea L, Marta D, Popescu LM BCL-2 – general considerations. , p.167-180, 1998.

Tanaseanu CM, Tanaseanu ST, Dumitrascu A, Tiglea I, Popescu M, Parvu M, Moldoveanu E Macrovascular disease in patients with systemic sclerosis – predictive risk factor for severe digital vasculopathy. , p.S176, 2010.

Hervé Nyangoga, Teodora Zecheru, Robert Filmon, Michel-Félix Baslé, Corneliu Cincu, Daniel Chappard Synthesis and use of pHEMA microbeads with human EA.hy 926 endothelial cells. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B - Applied Biomaterials, p.501-507, 2009.

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Luminiţa Vida-Simiti, Anca Cristea Plasma levels of TRAIL, OPG AND RANKL in patients with severe heart failure. Revista Românã de Medicinã de Laborator, p.17-23, 2010.

Tomuleasa C, Soritau O, Kacso G, Fischer-Fodor E, Cocis A, Ioani H, Timis T, Petrescu M, Cernea D, Virag P, Irimie A, Florian IS Arsenic trioxide sensitizes cancer stem cells to chemoradiotherapy. A new approach in the treatment of inoperable glioblastoma multiforme. Journal of BUON, p.758-62, 2010.

Suşman S, Soriţãu O, Rus-Ciucã D, Tomuleasa C, Pop VI, Mihu CM Placental stem cell differentiation into islets of Langerhans-like glucagon-secreting cells. Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, p.733-8, 2010.

Tomuleasa C, Soritau O, Rus-Ciuca D, Ioani H, Susman S, Petrescu M, Timis T, Cernea D, Kacso G, Irimie A, Florian IS Functional and molecular characterization of glioblastoma multiforme-derived cancer stem cells.. Journal of BUON, p.583-91, 2010.

Tomuleasa C, Kacsó G, Soriţãu O, Suşman S, Irimie A, Virág P Cellular interactions in prostate cancer genesis and dissemination. Looking beyond the obvious. Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, p.427-35, 2010.

Tomuleasa C, Soritau O, Brie I, Pall E, Foris V, Dicu T, Virag P, Irimie A, Kacso G Mesenchymal stem cell irradiation in culture engages differential effect of hyper-fractionated radiotherapy for head and neck cancers.. Journal of BUON, p.348-56, 2010.

Soriţãu O, Tomuleasa CI, Páll E, Virág P, Fischer-Fodor E, Foris V, Barbos O, Tatomir C, Kacsó G, Irimie A Enhanced chemoresistance and tumor sphere formation as a laboratory model for peritoneal micrometastasis in epithelial ovarian cancer. Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, p.259-64, 2010.

Tomuleasa C, Soritau O, Rus-Ciuca D, Pop T, Todea D, Mosteanu O, Pintea B, Foris V, Susman S, Kacsó G, Irimie A Isolation and characterization of hepatic cancer cells with stem-like properties from hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of Gastroinetstinal and Liver Diseases, p.61-7, 2010.

Tomuleasa CI, Foris V, Soriţãu O, Páll E, Fischer-Fodor E, Lung-Illes V, Brie I, Virág P, Perde-Schrepler M, Postescu ID, Cherecheş G, Barbos O, Tatomir C Effects of 60Co gamma-rays on human osteoprogenitor cells. Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, p.349-55, 2009.

Cosman D Suicide Prevention in Romania. Oxford Textbook of Suicidology and Suicide Prevention, 2009.

Szentagotai A, David D, Lupu V, Cosman D Rational Emotive Therapy, Cognitive Therapy and medication in the treatment of major depressive disorder: Theory of change analysis. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice and Training, p.523-538, 2008.

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Wasserman D, Carli V, Wasserman C, Apter A, Balazs J, Bobes J, Bracale R, Brunner R, Bursztein-Lipsicas C, Corcoran P, Cosman D, Durkee T, Feldman D, Gadoros J, Guillemin F, Haring C, Kahn JP, Kaess M, Keeley H, Marusic D, Nemes B, Postuvan V, Reiter-T Saving and Empowering Young Lives in Europe (SEYLE): a randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health, p.192, 2010.

Hundorfean G, Neurath MF, Mudter J. Functional relevance of T helper 17 (Th17) cells and the IL-17 cytokine family in inflammatory bowel disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2011 Mar 4. doi: 10.1002/ibd.21677. [Epub ahead of print], 2011.

Damsa C, Adam E, Lazignac C, Mihai A, DE Gregorio F, Lejeune J, Maris S, Clivaz E, Allen MH. A naturalistic study of consecutive agitated emergency department patients treated with intramuscular olanzapine prior to consent.. Am J Psychiatry., p.535-6., 2008.

Dankert ME, Brensinger CM, Metzger KL, Li C, Koleva SG, Mesén A, Laprade B, Wiguna T, Han C, Farooq S, Severus WE, Gayares JG, Langosch JM, Lallart X, Tateno M, Mihai A, Nair SR, Belmaker R, Rybakowski J, Owe-Larsson B, Kane JM, Johnstone EC, Macintyre Attitudes of patients and family members towards implantable psychiatric medication. Schizophr Res., p.279-286, 2008.

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