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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


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Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

Cheval, S., Dumitrescu, A. The July urban heat island of Bucharest as derived from MODIS images. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, p.145-153, 2009.

Neagoe A., D. Merten, V. Iordache, G. Buechel The effect of bioremediation methods involving different degrees of soil disturbance on the export of metals by leaching and by plant uptake. Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry, p.57-73, 2009.

Ionescu, C., Ghergari, L. Modeling and firing technology – reflected in the textural features and the mineralogy of the ceramics from Neolithic sites in Transylvania (Romania). Geologica Carpathica, p.6 pp, 2002.

Koller, F., Hoeck, V., Meisel, T., Ionescu, C., Onuzi, K., Ghega, D. Cumulates and gabbros in Southern Albanian ophiolites: their bearing on the tectonic setting.. Geological Society London, Special Publications, p.267-299, 2006.

Ciumasu, I.M Triggering sustainable development: challenging local authorities with problem-solving oriented research. Sustainable Neighbourhood – from Lisbon to Leipzig through Research (L2L) – "A conference on research for sustainable development in Europe", 08-10.05.2007, Leipzig, Germany, Section 1.1 European Partnership for Sustainability, 2007.

Gurjar, B.P., Ciumasu, I.M., Costica, N., Kumar, A., Ojha, C.S.P Overexploitation of ecosystem resources vs. the costs of storms and flooding risk management. Climate Change and Disaster Losses: Understanding and Attributing Trends and Projections, 25-26.05.2006, Hohenkammer (Munich), Germany, p.95-107, 2006.

Zilhao, J., Trinkaus, E., Constantin, S., Milota, S., Gherase, M., Sarcina, L., Danciu, A., Rougier, H., Quilès, J., and Rodrigo, R. The Pestera cu Oase People, Europe’s Earliest Modern Humans. Rethinking the Human Revolution, p.249-262, 2007.

Richards, M.P., Pacher, M., Stiller, M., Quiles, J., Hofreiter, M., Constantin, S., Zilhao, J., Trinkaus, E. Isotopic evidence for omnivory among European cave bears: Late Pleistocene Ursus spelaeus from the Pestera cu Oase, Romania. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, p.600-604, 2008.

Giosan, L. BOOK REVIEW: V. Yanko-Hombach, A.S. Gilbert, N. Panin and P.M. Dolukhanov, Editors, The Black Sea Flood Question: Changes in Coastline, Climate and Human Settlement, Springer, Berlin (2007) ISBN 978-1-4020-4774-9 971pp., 246 illus.. Quaternary Science Reviews, p.1897-1900, 2007.

Jean-Jacques Cochemé, Peter J. Leggo, Gheorghe Damian, Alexandrina Fulop, Béatrice Ledesert, Olivier Grauby, The mineralogy and distribution of zeolitic tuffs of the Maramures basin, România. Clay and Clays Minerals, p. p. 599-60, 2003.

Ciobanu C. L., Cook. N. J., Damian Floarea, Damian Gh. Gold scavenged by bismut melt: An example from Alpine Shear-remobilizates in Highiş. Mineralogy and Petrology ISSN 0930-0708, V. 87, nr. 3-4, p. 351-384, p.p. 351-384, 2006.

Bucur Ioan I. Salpingoporella? popgrigorei, a new species of Dasycladales (calcareous algae) from the Lower Aptian deposits of Padurea Craiului (northern Apuseni Mountains, Romania). Facies, p.377-388, 2007.

Bucur Ioan I. & Sasaran Emanoil Relationship between algae and environment: an Early Cretaceous case study, Trascau Mountains, Romania. Facies, p.274-286, 2005.

Bucur Ioan I. & Enos Paul Middle Triassic dasyclad algae from Guizhou, China. Micropaleontology, p.317-338, 2001.

Labourdette, R., Lascu, I., Mylroie, J. E., Roth, M. J Process-like modeling of flank margin caves: From genesis to burial evolution. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 2007.

Violeta Astratinei Bacteria Associations in Freshwater Ecosystems. ECO-GEOWATER “GI and Water Use Management”. March 18-22. Genova, Italy, 2003.

Violeta Astratinei, Eric Van Hullebusch, Piet Lens Selenium removal from wastewater using anaerobic granular sludge. "Biotechnology: Back to the future?!". March 11-12. De Reehorst Center, Ede, Netherlands, 2004.

Violeta Astratinei, M. Constantinescu Microbial bioassays based on inhibition of bioluminescence – application on the Siret River Basin from Romania. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, p.252-258, 2004.

Violeta Astratinei, Eric van Hullebush and Piet Lens Bioconversion of Selenate in Methanogenic Anaerobic Sludge,. Journal of Environmental Quality, p.1873-1883, 2006.

KOVAC;, M.; ANDREYEVA-GRIGOROVICH, A; BAJRAKTAREVIC;, Z.; BRZOBOHATY, R.; FILIPESCU, S.; FODOR, L; HARZHAUSER, M.; NAGYMAROSY, A; OSZCZYPKO, N.; PAVELIC, D.; ROEGL, F.; SAFTIC;, B.; SLIVA, L.; STUDENCKA, B. Badenian evolution of the Central Paratethys sea: paleogeography, climate and eustatic sea level changes.. Geologica Carpathica, 2007.

SAINT MARTIN J.-P.; MERLE, D; CORNEE J.-J.; FILIPESCU, S.; SAINT MARTIN, S.; BUCUR, I.I.; Les constructions coralliennes du Badénien (Miocène moyen) de la bordure occidentale de la dépression de Transylvanie (Roumanie).. Comptes Rendus Palevol., p.37-46, 2007.

Drãguţ, L. and Blaschke, T. Terrain segmentation and classification using SRTM data. Advances in Digital Terrain Analysis, p.141-158, 2008.

Cristea, V., Gafta, D., Baciu, C., Goia, I., Drãguţ, L. and Coroiu, I. Multidisciplinary assessment of the landscape development around the Cluj-Napoca city (Romania).. Multifunctional Landscapes: monitoring, diversity and management, p.271-285, 2003.

Muntean, O.L., Drãguţ, L., Baciu, N., Man, T., Buzilã, L. and Ferencik, I. Environmental impact assessment as a tool for environmental restoration (a case study: Copşa-Micã area, Romania). Use of Landscape Sciences for the Assessment of Environmental Security, p.461-474, 2007.

Echim, M.M., Roth, M., DeKeyser J. Sheared magnetospheric plasma flows and discrete auroral arcs: a quasi-static coupling model. Annales Geophysicae, p.317-330, 2007.

Echim, M.M., Lamy, H. Energy transfer in the solar wind magnetosphere: Long-term fluctuations and intermittency. Advances in Space Research, p.1095-1104, 2007.

Mateescu M.L. 3D GIS software for post-fire burnt area assessment. Geographia Technica, p.56-65, 2006.

Sandric, I., Mihai, B., Savulescu, I., Suditu, B., Chitu, Z. Change detection analysis for urban development in Bucharest-Romania using high resolution satellite imagery,. 2007 ISPRS Urban Remote Sensing Joint Event, 2007.

Bogdan Mihai, Ionut Savulescu, Ionut Sandric Change Detection Analysis (1986-2002) of Vegetation Cover in Romania: A Study of Alpine, Subalpine, and Forest Landscapes in the Iezer Mountains, Southern Carpathians. Mountain Research and Development, p.250-258, 2007.

-C.T.Rizescu,O.G.Duliu C.Ricman – Dual energy gamma-ray axial computer tomograpgy investigation of some metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. N.Jb.Geol.Paleont.Abh, 343-36, 2003.

Johnston, S., Hacker B., and Ducea, M.N. Exhumation of ultrahigh-pressure rocks beneath the Hornelen segment of Norvegian Caledonides. Geological Society of America Bulletin, p.1232-1248, 2007.

Mihai Cazacu, Eduard-Daniel Constantin, Adrian Covasnianu si Ioan Balin O3, SO2 and NOx Urban Processes: Point Monitor Measurement & Interpretation in Bucharest-Spring 2006. 1st International Summer School-Optoelectronic Techniques for Environmental Monitoring and Risk Assessment, p.217-221, 2006.

Clift, P D., Giosan, L., Blusztajn, J., Campbell, I.H., Allen., C., Pringle, M., Tabrez, A.R., Danish, M., Rabbani, M.M., Alizai, A., Carter., A., Luckge, A. Holocene Erosion of the Lesser Himalaya Triggered by Intensified Summer Monsoon. Geology, p.79-82, 2008.

Deptuck, M., Sylvester, Z., Pirmez, C., O'Byrne, C Migration–aggradation history and 3-D seismic geomorphology of submarine channels in the Pleistocene Benin-major Canyon, western Niger Delta slope. Marine and Petroleum Geology, p.406-433, 2007.

Sylvester, Z Turbidite bed thickness distributions: methods and pitfalls of analysis and modelling. Sedimentology, p.847-870, 2007.

Feurdean A., Wohlfarth W., Björkman L., Tantau I., Bennike O., Willis KJ, Farcas F., Robertsson AM The influence of refugial population on Lateglacial and early Holocene vegetational changes in Romania. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, p.305-320, 2007.

Latif, M., D. Dommenget, M. Dima, and A. Grötzner The Role of Indian Ocean SST in Forcing East African Rainfall Anomalies during December-January 1997/98. Journal of Climate, p.3497-3504, 1999.

Dima, M., S. Stefan, V. Dima, and D. Borsan Interdecadal variability generated by interactions between Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Geophysical Research Letters, p.4459-4462, 2001.

Dima, M., N. Rimbu, S. Stefan, and I. Dima Quasi-Decadal Variability in the Atlantic Basin Involving Tropics-Midlatitudes and Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions. Journal of Climate, p.823-832, 2001.

Rimbu, N., M. Dima, G. Lohmann, and S. Stefan Impacts of the North Atlantic Oscillation and the El Nino-Southern Oscillation on Danube river flow variability. Geophysical Research Letters, 2004.

Dima, M., N. Rimbu, and I. Dima Arctic Oscillation variability generated through inter-ocean interactions. Geophysical Research Letters, p.22:1-4, 2002.

Rimbu, N., C. Boroneant, C. Buta, and M. Dima Decadal variability of the Danube river streamflow in the lower basin and its relation with the North Atlantic Oscillation. International Journal of Climatology, p.1169-1179, 2002.

Dima, M., G. Lohmann, and I. Dima Solar-induced and internal climate variability at decadal timescales. International Journal of Climatology, 2005.

Dima, M., and G. Lohmann Fundamental and derived modes of climate variability: concept and application to interannual timescales. Tellus, p.229-249, 2004.

Lohmann, G., N. Rimbu, and M. Dima Climate signature of solar irradiance variations: analysis of long-term instrumental, historical and proxy data. International Journal of Climatology, 2004.

Rimbu, N., M. Dima, G. Lohman, and I. Musat Seasonal prediction of Danube flow variability based on stable teleconnection with sea surface temperature. Geophysical Research Letters, 2005.

Dima, M., and G. Lohmann A hemispheric mechanism for the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. Journal of Climate, 2007.

Dima, M., F. Thomas, L. Gerrit, and N. Rimbu Distinct modes of bidecadal and multidecadal variability in a climate reconstruction of the last centuries from a South Pacific coral. Climate Dynamics, 2005.

McGregor, H. V., M. Dima, H.W. Fischer, S. Mulitza Rapid 20th Century increase in coastal upwelling off northwest Africa. Science, p.637-639, 2007.

Ducea, M.N., Barton, M.D. Temporal and spatial isotopic patterns in Cordilleran arcs and tectonic implications. Geology, p.1047-1050, 2007.