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Drochioiu, G Biological systems: a structural-phenomenological approach. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Trappl R. (ed.) Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, Vienna, p.203-208, 2008.

Drochioiu, G., Popa, K., Humelnicu, D., Murariu, M., Sandu, I., Cecal, A Comparison of various sensitive and selective spectrophotometric assays of environmental cyanide. Toxicol. Environ. Chem., p.221-235, 2008.

Butnariu-Tucaliuc, R., Risca, I. M., Drochioiu, G. and Mangalagiu, I Biological effect of some new pyridazine derivatives on wheat in germination experiments. Roum. Biotechnol. Lett., p.3837-3842, 2008.

Drochioiu, G., Arsene, C., Murariu, M., Oniscu, C Analysis of cyanogens with resorcinol and picrate. Food and Chemical Toxicology, p.3540–, 2008.

Murariu, M., Dragan, E. S., Drochioiu, G Model peptide-based system used for the investigation of metal ions binding to histidine-containing polypeptides. Biopolymers, 2009.

Drochioiu, G., Murariu, M., Jurcoane, S Bioremediation and toxicity mechanism of some herbicide dinitrophenyl derivatives. Proceedings of 3rd AMIREG International Conference, Assessing the Footprint of Resources Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management, p.90-95, 2009.

Dumitras-Hutanu, C. A., Pui, A., Jurcoane, S., Rusu, E., Drochioiu, G Biological effect and the toxicity mechanisms of some dinitrophenyl ethers. Roum. Biotechnol. Lett., p.4893-4899, 2009.

Mihaescu, I. M., Drochioiu, G. Cyanide reaction with ninhydrin: the effect of pH changes and UV-Vis radiation upon the analytical results. Rev. Roum. Chim., p.841-845, 2009.

Murariu, M., Popa, K., Dragan, E. S., Drochioiu, G. Synthetic cysteine-peptide and its relation with heavy and radioactive metals. Rev. Roum. Chim., p.741-747, 2009.

Drochioiu, G. An electrospray ionization mass spectrometric study of iron binding to amyloid-beta peptides. Eur. J. Mass Spectrom., p.651-659, 2009.

Drochioiu, G., Manea, M., Dragusanu, M., Murariu, M., Dragan, E. S., Petre, B. A., Mezo, G., Przybylski, M. Interaction of b-amyloid(1-40) peptide with pairs of metal ions: an electrospray ion trap mass spectrometric model study. Biophys. Chem., p.9-20, 2009.

Murariu, M., Dragan, E. S., Drochioiu, G. IR, MS and CD investigations on several conformationally-different peptides. Int. J. Pept. Res. Therap., p.303-311, 2009.

D. Ionita, B. Popescu , I, Demetrescu In vivo arguments for the TiAlV Corrosion. Rev.Chimie., p.1270-1275, 2009.

D. Portan, D. Ionita , I. Demetrescu Monitoring TiO2 nanotubes elaboration condition, a way for obtaining various characteristics of nanostructures. Key Engineering Materials, p.9-12, 2009.

D. Portan, D. Ionita , I. Demetrescu Monitoring TiO2 nanotubes elaboration condition, a way for obtaining various characteristics of nanostructures. Key Engineering Materials, p.9-12, 2009.

M. Mîndroiu, C. Pîrvu, S Popescu, I. Demetrescu Polypyrrole as conducting polymer coating Ti6Al7Nb alloy ,. Materiale Plastice, p.394-398, 2009.

Demetrescu I., Iordachescu D., D. Ionita, S. Manea , Surface analysis and cell biology technique in understanding degradation of natural temporary teeth collected from area with high pollution.. Key Engineering Materials (Proceedings Bioceramics 21), p.35-38, 2009.

R Popescu, A Morega, D Iordachescu , I Demetrescu Ternary biopolymeric films based on collagen gel, polyethylene glycol and hydroxyapatite ,. Materiale Plastice, p.140-143, 2009.

Demetrescu I., Luca R., Ionita D., D., Bojin ICP/MS in evaluation heavy metal influence on the behavior of natural temporary teeth.. Key Engineering Materials, 2009.

Yves-Marie Legrand, Florina Dumitru, Carole Arnal-Hérault, Mathieu Michau, Mihail Barboiu Dynamic Constitutional materials crystallization- and sol-gel-driven self-sorting of functional supramolecular architectures. REVUE ROUMAINE DE CHIMIE, 23 IUNIE 2009, p.421–432, 2009.

Narcisa Marangoci, Aurica Farcas, Mariana Pinteala, Valeria Harabagiu, Synthesis, morphology, and thermal behavior of polyrotaxanes. J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem, p.355–364, 2009.

A. Farcas, N. Jarroux, V. Harabagiu, P. Guégan Synthesis and characterization of a poly [2,7-(9,9-dioctylfluorene-alt-2,7-fluorene/β-CD)] main chain polyrotaxane. Eur. Polym. J., p.795-803, 2009.

S. Coseri, G. Nistor, L. Fras, S. Strnad, V. Harabagiu, B.C. Simionescu Mild and selective oxidation of cellulose fibers in the presence of N-hydroxyphthalimide. Biomacromolecules, p.2294-9 , 2009.

A. Farcas, N. Jarroux, I. Ghosh, P. Guegan, W.M. Nau, V. Harabagiu Polyrotaxanes of Pyrene–Triazole Conjugated Azomethine and a-Cyclodextrin with High Fluorescence Properties. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, p.1440–1449 , 2009.

C. Uncuta, S. Ion, D. Gherase, E. Bartha, F. Teodorescu, P.Filip Absolute Configurational Assignment in Chiral Compounds through Vibrational Circular Dichroism (VCD) Spectroscopy. Revista de Chimie, p.86-98, 2009.

C. Roussel, N. Vanthuyne, J.L. Jobert, A.I. Loas, A.E. Tanase, D. Gherase, HPLC on Chiral Support with Polarimetric Detection: Application to Conglomerate Discovery. Chirality, p.497-502, 2007.

Hossu, A.M., Maria, M.F., Radulescu Cristiana, Ilie, M., Magearu, V. TLC Applications on Separation and Quantification of Fat-Soluble Vitamins. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, p.4615-4619, 2009.

Corina Flangea, Alina Serb, Catalin Schiopu, Sorin Tudor, Eugen Sisu, Daniela Seidler, Alina Zamfir Discrimination of GalNAc (4S/6S) sulfation sites in chondroitin sulfate disaccharides by chip-based nanoelectrospray multistage mass spectrometry. Central European Journal of Chemistry, p.752-759, 2009.

Claude F. Leibovici and Dan Vladimir Nichita Numerical properties of equations involving high-order derivatives of pressure with respect to volume. Chemical Papers, p.106-113, 2010.

Liliana Stoicescu, Carine Duhayon, Laure Vendier, Ana Tesouro-Vallina, Jean-Pierre Costes, Jean-Pierre Tuchagues Structure and Properties of Copper(II), Manganese(III), and Iron(III) Complexes with Potentially Pentaanionic Heptadentate Ligands Including Alkoxido, Amido, and Phenoxido Donors. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, p.5483-5493, 2009.

Corina Ciobanasu, Enno Harms, Gisela Tünnemann. M. Cristina Cardoso, Ulrich Kubitscheck Cell-Penetrating HIV1 TAT Peptides Float on Model Lipid Bilayers. Biochemistry, p.4728-4737, 2009.

C Boscornea, Lavinia Hinescu, C Moldovan, S Tomas, A Diacon New phthalocyanine-type compounds-synthesis, characterization and applications in gas microsensors. Proceedings of the 16th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering RICCCE XVI 9-12 September 2009, ISBN 978-606-521-349-4, p.SVI.2-SVI., 2009.

Lavinia G. Hinescu, C. M. Ranetti, M. Ionescu, C. Mircioiu, C. Cosmescu, V. A. Voicu Development and Validation of a Separation Method for an analgesic drug and its main metabolite from plasma. Revista de Chimie, ISSN 0034-7752, p.961-966, 2009.

Tyrchan, C.; Blomberg, N.; Engkvist, O.; Kogej, T.; Muresan, S. Physicochemical property profiles of marketed drugs, clinical candidates and bioactive compounds. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, p.6943–6947, 2009.

A. Rotaru, A. Moanţã, G. Popa, P. Rotaru, E. Segal Thermal decomposition kinetics of some aromatic azomonoethers. Part IV.Non-isothermal kinetics of 2-allyl-4-((4-(4-methylbenzyloxy) phenyl)diazenyl) phenol in dynamic air atmosphere. Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry, p.485-491 , 2009.

Madalina DUMITRU, Adriana SAMIDE, Mircea PREDA, Anca MOANÞÃ A kinetic study on degradation of Methylorange process in aqueous. Revista de Chimie (Bucureşti), p.957-960, 2009.

Neamtu M., Ciumasu I. M., Costica N., Costica M., Bobu M., Nicoara M. N., Catrinescu C., Becker van Slooten K., De Alencastro L. F. Chemical, biological and ecotoxicological assessment of pesticides and persistent organic pollutants in Bahlui River, Romania. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, p.S76-S85, 2009.

Neamtu M., Popa D. M., Frimmel F. H. Simulated solar UV-irradiation of endocrine disrupting chemical octylphenol. Journal of Hazardous Materials, p.1561-1567, 2009.

Lu B*, Ruse CI*, Yates JR 3rd Colander: a probability-based support vector machine algorithm for automatic screening for CID spectra of phosphopeptides prior to database search. Journal of Proteome Research, p.3628-34, 2008.

Lu B, Motoyama A, Ruse C, Venable J, Yates JR 3rd. Improving protein identification sensitivity by combining MS and MS/MS information for shotgun proteomics using LTQ-Orbitrap high mass accuracy data.. Analytical Chemistry, p.2018-25, 2008.

Motoyama A, Xu T, Ruse CI, Wohlschlegel JA, Yates JR 3rd Anion and cation mixed-bed ion exchange for enhanced multidimensional separations of peptides and phosphopeptides.. Analytical Chemistry, p.3623-34, 2007.

Lu B*, Ruse C*, Xu T, Park SK, Yates J 3rd. Automatic validation of phosphopeptide identifications from tandem mass spectra. Analytical Chemistry, p.1301-10, 2007.

Bercea M., Morariu S., Brunchi C.E Rheological Investigation of Thermal Induced Gelation of Poly(acrylonitrile). International Journal of Thermophysics, p.1411-1422, 2009.

Jurca T., Bãnicã F., Bungãu S., Studiul spectrelor de masã ale pirazinamidei şi combinaţiilor sale complexe cu benzoatul de cupru (II). Revista de Chimie , p.859-861, 2006.

V.Chis, A.Parnau, T.Jurca, M.Vasilescu, S.Simon, O.Cozar, L.David Experimental and DFT study of pyrazinamide. Elsevier,Chemical Physics, p.153-163,, 2005.

T.Jurca, E. Marian, S. Cavalu „Raman and SERS investigation of new synthesized nicotinic acid metallic complexes. Revista Chimia, p.320-322, 2009.

V. Iosub, T. Matsunaga, K. Tange, M. Ishikiriyama and K. Miwa Study of the hydride mixtures (1-x)AlH3/xMgH2 (0 < x < 0.3) synthesized by ball milling and their hydrogen storage properties. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, p.426-430, 2009.

Chiriac A.P., Nita L.E., Neamtu I., Bercea M Contribution to polymer nanoparticles analysis by laser light scattering. Polymer Testing, p.886-889, 2009.

A. Fifere, T. Budtova, E. Tarabukina, M. Pinteala, M. Spulber, C. Peptu, V. Harabagiu, B. C. Simionescu Inclusion complexes of -cyclodextrin and carboxyl-modified -cyclodextrin with C60: synthesis, characterization and controlled release application via microgels. Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry , p.83-94, 2009.

K. Murata, M. Brebu, Y. Sakata The effect of PVC on thermal and catalytic degradation of polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene by a continuous flow reactor. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, p.33-38, 2009.