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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


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Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

Eremia, SAV, Vasilescu, I, Radoi, A, Litescu, SC, Radu, GL Disposable biosensor based on platinum nanoparticles-reduced graphene oxide-laccase biocomposite for the determination of total polyphenolic content. TALANTA, p.164-170, 2013.

Radoi, A., Obreja, A.C., Eremia, S.A.V., Bragaru, A., Dinescu, A., Radu, G.-L. L-Lactic acid biosensor based on multi-layered graphene. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, p.985-994, 2013.

Vasilescu, I, Eremia, SAV, Radoi, A, Radu, GL, Litescu, SC Lipid hydroxide determination on a ferrocenemethanol modified electrode. Analytical Methods, p.2013-2019, 2013.

Vasilescu, I, Litescu, SC, Eremia, SAV, Penu, R, Radu, GL Method of Cysteine/Cystine Ratio Assessment Suitable for Physiological Applications. ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, p.8170-8179, 2013.

Eremia, Sandra A. V.; Radu, Gabriel-Lucian; Litescu, Simona-Carmen Monitoring of Rosmarinic Acid Accumulation in Sage Cell Cultures using Laccase Biosensor. Phytochemical Analysis, p.53-58, 2013.

Nicoleta Matei, Gabriel-Lucian Radu, Georgiana Truica, Sandra Eremia, Simona Dobrinas, Gabriela Stanciu and Antoanela Popescu Rapid HPLC method for the determination of ascorbic acid in grape samples. Analytical Methods, p.4675-4679, 2013.

Radoi, A, Litescu, SC, Eremia, SAV, Miu, M, Danila, M, Dinescu, A, Radu, GL Electrochemical investigation of a glassy carbon electrode modified with carbon nanotubes decorated with (poly)crystalline gold. MICROCHIMICA ACTA, p.97-104 , 2011.

Litescu, S.-C. , Tache, A., Eremia, S.A.-M.V., Albu, C., Radu, G.-L. Electrochemical evaluation of polyphenols preservative effect against lipoperoxidation. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, p. 67-74, 2010.

Covaliu, C; Matei, C; Litescu, S; Eremia, S; Stanica, N; Diamandescu, L; Ianculescu, A; Jitaru, I; Berger, D Radical Scavenger Properties of Oxide Nanoparticles Stabilized with Biopolymer Matrix. MATERIALE PLASTICE, p.5-10, 2010.

Diaconu, M.; Tache, A.; Ana-Maria, S.; et al. Structural characterization of chitosan coated silicon nanoparticles -A FT-IR approach. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, p.115-122, 2010.

Alexandru, C. A novel open-loop tracking strategy for photovoltaic systems. The Scientific World Journal, p.1-12, 2013.

Lucian Parvulescu, Claudia Zaharia, Alina Satmari, Lucian Dragut Is the distribution pattern of the stone crayfish in the Carpathians related to karstic refugia from Pleistocene glaciations?. FRESHWATER SCIENCE, p.1410-1419, 2013.

Mariana Belgiu, Lucian Drãguţ, Josef Strobl Quantitative evaluation of variations in rule-based classifications of land cover in urban neighbourhoods using WorldView-2 imagery. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, p.205-215, 2014.

Toader O, Forte N, Orlando M, Ferrea E, Raimondi A, Baldelli P, Benfenati F, Medrihan L. Dentate gyrus network dysfunctions precede the symptomatic phase in a genetic mouse model of seizures.. Front Cell Neurosci., 2013.

Frola E, Patrizi A, Goetz T, Medrihan L, Petrini EM, Barberis A, Wulff P, Wisden W, Sassoè-Pognetto M Synaptic competition sculpts the development of GABAergic axo-dendritic but not perisomatic synapses.. PLoS One, 2013.

Medrihan L, Cesca F, Raimondi A, Lignani G, Baldelli P, Benfenati F. Synapsin II desynchronizes neurotransmitter release at inhibitory synapses by interacting with presynaptic calcium channels.. Nature Communications, 2013.

Ferrea E, Maccione A, Medrihan L, Nieus T, Ghezzi D, Baldelli P, Benfenati F, Berdondini L. Large-scale, high-resolution electrophysiological imaging of field potentials in brain slices with microelectronic multielectrode arrays.. Front Neural Circuits, 2012.

Bogdan-George Rusu, Frederique Cunin, Mihail Barboiu The color of selfassembly- Real-time optical detection of stabilized artificial G-quadruplexes under confined conditions. 2013.

G. B. Rusu, M. Asandulesa, I. Topala, V. Pohoata, N. Dumitrascu, M. Barboiu Atmospheric pressure plasma polymers for tuned QCM detection of protein adhesion. 2014.

Urdea, P., Onaca, A., Ardelean, F., Ardelean, M. New Evidence on the Quaternary Glaciation on the Romanian Carpathians. Developments in Quaternary Science, p.305-323, 2011.

Voiculescu, M., Ardelean, F., Onaca, A., Török-Oance, M. Analysis of snow avalanche potential in Bâlea glacial area – Făgăraş massif, (Southern Carpathians – Romanian Carpathians). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, p.291-316, 2011.

Ardelean, F., Drăguţ, L., Urdea, P., Török-Oance, M. Variations in landform definition: a quantitative assessment of differences between five maps of glacial cirques in the Ţarcu Mountains (Southern Carpathians, Romania). Area, p.348-357, 2013.

Alin Suciu Three Fragments from a Coptic Codex of the Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles. Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists, p.241-250, 2012.

Gomez-Ospina N, Panagiotakos G, Portmann T, Pasca SP, Rabah D, Budzillo A, Kinet JP, Dolmetsch RE A promoter in the coding region of the calcium channel gene CACNA1C generates the transcription factor CCAT.. PLoS One, p.e60526, 2013.

Esposito G and Pasca SP Motor abnormalities as a putative endophenotype for Autism Spectrum Disorders.. Frontiers in Neuroscience, p.43, 2013.

Bordea M, Mosteanu O, Pop TA, Gheban D, Samasca G, Miu N Eosinophilic esophagitis. Acta gastro-enterologica Belgica, p.407-412, 2013.

S.T. Popescu, A. Petris, V.I. Vlad Recording of self-induced waveguides in lithium niobate at 405 nm wavelength by photorefractive – pyroelectric effect. Journal of Applied Physics, p.213110, 2013.

S.T. Popescu, A. Petris, V.I. Vlad Fast writing of soliton waveguides in lithium niobate using low-intensity blue light. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, p.799-805, 2012.

S.T. Popescu, A. Petris, V.I. Vlad Interferometric measurement of the pyroelectric coefficient in lithium niobate. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, p.043101, 2013.

Taberlet P, Zimmermann NE, Englisch T, Tribsch A, Holderegger R, Alvarez N, Niklfeld H, Coldea G, Mirek Z, Moilanen A, Ahlmer W, Marsan PA, Bona E, Bovio M, Choler P, Cieslak E, Colli L, Cristea V, Dalmas J-P, Frajman B, Garraud L, Gaudeul M, Gielly Genetic diversity in widespread species is not congruent with species richness in alpine plant communities. Ecology Letters, p.1439-1448, 2013.

Flatscher R, Frajman B, Schönswetter P, Paun O Environmental heterogeneity and phenotypic divergence: can heritable epigenetic variation aid speciation?. Genetics Research International, 2012.

Nakamura M, Buzas DM, Kato A, Fujita M, Kurata N, Kinoshita T. The role of Arabidopsis thaliana NAR1, a cytosolic iron-sulfur cluster assembly component, in gametophytic gene expression and oxidative stress responses in vegetative tissue. New Phytologist, p.925-35, 2013.

Simona Cîntã Pînzaru,* Alexandra Falamaş, Cristina Dehelean, Cristian Morari, and Monica Venter Double Amino Functionalized Ag Nanoparticles as SERS Tags in Raman Diagnostic. Croatica Chemica Acta, p.233-244, 2013.

Fazio, Eugenio; Popescu, Silviu T; Petris, Adrian; Devaux, Fabrice; Ragazzi, Mauro; Chauvet, Mathieu; Vlad, Valentin I Use of quasi-local photorefractive response to generated superficial self-written waveguides in lithium niobate. Optics Express, p.25834, 2013.

Nicolae Lupa Roughness of $(mathbb{Z}_{+},mathbb{Z}_{-})$ — nonuniform exponential dichotomy for difference equations in Banach spaces. The Scientific World Journal , 2013.

Nicolae Lupa, Mihail Megan Exponential dichotomies of evolution operators in Banach spaces. Monatshefte für Mathematik, 2013.

Nicolae Lupa, Mihail Megan Generalized Exponential Trichotomies for Abstract Evolution Operators on the Real Line. JOURNAL OF FUNCTION SPACES AND APPLICATIONS , 2013.

M.Spieker, D.Bucurescu, J.Endres, T.Faestermann, R.Hertenberger, S.Pascu, S.Skalacki, S.Weber, H.-F.Wirth, N.-V.Zamfir, A.Zilges Possible experimental signature of octupole correlations in the 0(2)+ states of the actinides. Physical Review C88, 041303(R)(6p), 2013.

P.J.R.Mason, Zs.Podolyak, N.Mãrginean, P.H.Regan, P.D.Stevenson, V.Werner, T.Alexander, A.Algora, T.Alharbi, M.Bowry, R.Britton, A.M.Bruce, D.Bucurescu, M.Bunce, G.Cãta-Danil, I.Cãta-Danil, N.Cooper, D.Deleanu, D.Delion, D.Filipescu, W.Gelletly, D.Ghiţã, Half-life of the yrast 2+ state in 188W: Evolution of deformation and collectivity in neutron-rich tungsten isotopes. Physical Review C88, 044301(6p), 2013.

A.Negret, C.Borcea, D.Bucurescu, D.Deleanu, Ph.Dessagne, D.Filipescu, D.Ghiţã, T.Glodariu, M.Kerveno, N.Mãrginean, R.Mãrginean, C.Mihai, S.Pascu, A.J.M.Plompen, T.Sava, L.Stroe Cross sections for inelastic scattering of neutrons on 28Si and comparison with the 25Mg(n,alpha)28Si reaction. Physical Review C88, 034604(7p), 2013.

C.Bernards, R.F.Casten, V.Werner, P. von Brentano, D. Bucurescu, G.Graw, S.Heinze, R.Hertenberger, J.Jolie, S.Lalkovski, D.A.Meyer, D.Mucher, P.Pejovic, C.Scholl, H.-F.Wirth High-resolution study of excited 0+ states in 200Hg and 202Hg. Physical Review C87, 064321(7p) , 2013.

C. Majdik, C. Indolean, Sz. Tonk, A. Mãicãneanu, T. Pernyeszi, B. Tóthmérész Removal of Zn2+ from Some Synthetic Wastewaters by Immobilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cells. Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai - Chemia, p.71-76, 2008.

C. Majdik, T. Hasni Ould, A. Mãicãneanu, C. Indolean, S. Burcã, Sz. Tonk, M. Stanca Fixed Bed Studies for Cd2+ Removal From Model Solutions Using Immobilized Bentonite/Yeast Mixtures. Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai - Chemia, p.153-162, 2009.

C. Majdik, C. Indolean, Sz. Tonk, A. Mãicãneanu, M. Stanca, P. Mezey Suspended and immobilized brewery waste biomass and commercial yeast biosorbents for Cd2+ removal. A thermodynamic study.. Revue Roumain de Chimie, p.871-877, 2010.

T.L. Mitran, Adela Nicolaev, G.A. Nemnes, L. Ion, S. Antohe Ab initio vibrational and thermal properties of AlN nanowires under axial stress. Comput. Mat. Sci., p.2955, 2011.

K. Tálos, Cs. Páger, Sz. Tonk, C. Majdik, B. Kocsis, F. Kilár, T. Pernyeszi Cadmium Biosorption on Native Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cells in Aqueous Suspension. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Agriculture and Environment, p.20-30, 2009.

G.A. Nemnes, C. Visan, S. Antohe Thermopower of atomic-sized wurtzite AlN wires. Physica E, p.1092, 2012.

Adela Nicolaev, T.L. Mitran, G.A. Nemnes, L. Ion, S. Antohe Ab-initio investigation of point-like defects in AlN nanowires. J. Phys.: Conf. Series, p.012014, 2012.

Sz. Tonk, M. Stanca, C. Majdik, C. Indolean, S. Burcã, T. Pernyeszi, B. Tóthmérész Cd2+ Removal From Synthetic Wastewaters Using Scenedesmus opoliensis Green Algae. Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai - Chemia, p.31-37, 2008.

G.A. Nemnes, A. Manolescu, V. Gudmundsson Reduction of ballistic spin scattering in a spin-FET using stray electric fields. J. Phys.: Conf. Series, p.012012, 2012.