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Ashton, A., Hutton, E., Kettner, A.J., Xing, F., Kallumadikal, J., Nienhuis, J., Giosan, L. Progress in coupling models of coastline and fluvial dynamics. Computers & Geosciences, p.48-57 , 2013.
Mircea Voiculescu., Alexandru Onaca Snow avalanche assessment in the Sinaia ski area (Bucegi Mountains, Southern Carpathians) using the dendrogeomorphology method. Area, p.109-122, 2013.
Marian Ivan Crustal thickness in Vrancea area-Romania from S to P converted waves. J. Seismology, p.317-328, 2011.
1. T. Nygrén, J. Markkanen, A. Aikio, and M. Voiculescu High-precision measurement of satellite velocity using the EISCAT radar. Ann. Geophys. , p.1555–1565, 2012.
R. Lãcãtuşu, Anca-Rovena, Lãcãtuşu Soil-plant relations in an urban environment polluted with heavy metals. Urban Environment; Alliance for Global Sustainability Bookseries, p.403-412, 2012.
Lacatusu Radu, George Câtu, John Aston, Mihaela Lungu, Anca-Rovena Lacatusu Heavy metals soil pollution state in relation to potential future mining activities in the Roşia Montanã area. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, p.39-50, 2009.
Lacatusu R., Lacatusu Anca-Rovena Vegetable food quality within heavy metals polluted areas in Romania. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, p.115-129, 2009.
Lacatusu R., Lacatusu Anca-Rovena, Lungu M., Breaban I.G. Macro- and microelements abundance in some urban soils from Romania. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, p.75-83, 2008.
Bãdescu V, Gueymard C, Cheval S, Oprea C, Baciu M, Dumitrescu A, Iacobescu F, Miloş I, Rada C. Accuracy and sensitivity analysis for 54 models of computing hourly diffuse solar irradiation on clear sky. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, p.379-399, 2013.
Bãdescu V, Gueymard C, Cheval S, Oprea C, Baciu M, Dumitrescu A, Iacobescu F, Miloş I, Rada C. Accuracy analysis for fifty-four clear-sky solar radiation models using routine hourly global irradiance measurements in Romania. Renewable Energy, p.85-103, 2013.
McLauchlan, K. K., Lascu, I., Myrbo, A., Leavitt, P. R Variable ecosystem response to climate change during the Holocene in northern Minnesota, USA. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2013.
BOOK: Giosan, L., D. Q. Fuller, K. Nicoll, R. K. Flad, and P. D. Clift (Eds.) Climates, Landscapes, and Civilizations. Geophysical Monograph Series, p.226 pp., 2012.
Ersek, V., Clark, P.U., Mix, A.C., Cheng, H. and Edwards, R.L. Holocene winter climate variability in mid-latitude western North America. Nature Communications, p.1219, 2012.
David R. Limmer, Timothy J. Henstock, Liviu Giosan, Camilo Ponton, Ali R. Tabrez, David I. M. Macdonald, Peter D. Clift Impacts of sediment supply and local tectonics on clinoform distribution: the seismic stratigraphy of the mid Pleistocene-Holocene Indus Shelf. Marine Geophysical Research, p.251-267, 2012.
Trinkaus, E., Constantin, S., and Zilhao, J. (Eds.) Life and Death at the Pestera cu Oase. A Setting for Modern Human Emergence in Europe. , p.448, 2012.
M. Voiculescu, I. Usoskin Persistent solar signatures in cloud cover: spatial and temporal analysis. Environ. Res. Lett. , 2012.
Liviu Giosan, Marco J. L. Coolen, Jed O. Kaplan, Stefan Constantinescu, Florin Filip, Mariana Filipova-Marinova, Albert J. Kettner & Nick Thom Early Anthropogenic Transformation of the Danube-Black Sea System. Scientific Reports, p.582, 2012.
Giosan, L; Clift, PD; Macklin, MG; Fuller, DQ; Constantinescu, S; Durcan, JA; Stevens, T; Duller, GAT; Tabrez, AR; Gangal, K; Adhikari, R; Alizai, A; Filip, F; VanLaningham, S; Syvitski, JPM Fluvial landscapes of the Harappan civilization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, p.E1688-E169, 2012.
Cretan Remus, Turnock David, and Wassing Maarten Romania‘s Airlines and Airports during Transition with Particular Reference to the West Region. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen geographischen Gesellschaft, p.241–276, 2009.
Tjalf E De Boer, Adriana Birlutiu, Zoltan Bochdanovits, Martijn JTN Timmermans, Tjeerd MH Dijkstra, Nico M Van Straalen, Bauke Ylstra, Dick Roelofs Transcriptional plasticity of a soil arthropod across different ecological conditions. Molecular Ecology, p.1144-1154, 2011.
S. d'Oleire-Oltmanns, C. Eisank, L. Dragut, L. Schrott, I. Marzolff, T. Blaschke OBJECT-BASED LANDFORM MAPPING AT MULTIPLE SCALES FROM DIGITAL ELEVATION MODELS (DEMS) AND AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS. Proceedings of the 4th GEOBIA, May 7-9, 2012 - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, p.496-500, 2012.
Petru Urdea, Onaca, Alexandru, Florina Ardelean, Mircea Ardelean, New Evidence on the Quaternary Glaciation on the Romanian Carpathians (Chapter 24). Developments in Quaternary Science,, p.305-323, 2011.
Mircea Voiculescu, Florina Ardelean, Alexandru Onaca , Marcel Török-Oance Analysis of snow avalanche potential in Bâlea glacial area – Fãgãraş massif (Southern Carpathians – Romanian Carpathians). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, p.291-316, 2011.
Burcea S, Cheval S, Dumitrescu A, Antonescu B, Bell A, Breza T. Comparison Between Radar Estimated and Rain Gauge Measured Precipitation in the Moldavian Plateau. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, p.723-731, 2012.
Abd El-Gawad, S., Cantelli, A., Pirmez, C., Minisini, D., Sylvester, Z., Imran, J. 3-D Numerical Simulation of Turbidity Currents in a submarine channel on the seafloor of the Niger Delta slope. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 2012.
Sylvester, Z., Deptuck, M. E., Prather, B. E., Pirmez, C., O'Byrne, C. Seismic Stratigraphy of a Shelf-Edge Delta and Linked Submarine Channels in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico. SEPM Special Publication, p.31-59, 2012.
Deptuck, M. E., Sylvester, Z., O'Byrne, C. Pleistocene Seascape Evolution Above a “Simple” Stepped Slope—Western Niger Delta. SEPM Special Publication, p.199-222, 2012.
Prather, B. E., Pirmez, C., Sylvester, Z., Prather, D. S. Stratigraphic Response to Evolving Geomorphology in a Submarine Apron Perched on the Upper Niger Delta Slope. SEPM Special Publication, p.145-161, 2012.
Feurdean, Angelica; Tamas, Tudor; Tantau, Ioan; Sorina Fãrcaş Elevational variation in regional vegetation responses to late-glacial climate changes in the Carpathians. Journal of Biogeography, p.258-271, 2012.
Anca Geantã, Ioan Tanţãu, Tudor Tãmaş, Vanessa E. Johnston Palaeoenvironmental information from the palynology of an 800 year old bat guano deposit from Magurici Cave, NW Transylvania (Romania). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, p.57-66, 2012.
Covãsnianu Adrian, Liliana-Elena Covãsnianu Robert Schuman-Père de l’Union Européenne. Editura AS'S, p.148-152, 2010.
Romanescu G., Zaharia C., Stoleriu C. Long-term changes in average annual liquid flow river Miletin (Moldavian Plain). Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, p.161-170, 2012.
Romanescu G., Stoleriu C., Romanescu A.M. Water reservoirs and the risk of accidental flood occurrence. Case study: Stanca–Costesti reservoir and the historical floods of the Prut river in the period July–August 2008, Romania. Hydrological Processes, p.2056-2070, 2011.
Romanescu G., Cotiuga V., Asandulesei A., Stoleriu C. Use of the 3-D scanner in mapping and monitoring the dynamic degradation of soils. Case study of the Cucuteni-Baiceni Gully on the Moldavian Plateau (Romania). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, p.953-966, 2012.
Romanescu G., Jora I., Stoleriu C. The most important high floods in Vaslui river basin – causes and consequences. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, p.119-132, 2011.
Romanescu G., Nistor I. The effect of the July 2005 catastrophic inundations in the Siret River’s Lower Watershed, Romania. Natural Hazards, p.345-368, 2011.
Romanescu G., Cojocaru I. Hydrogeological considerations on the western sector of the Danube Delta – a case study for the Caraorman and Saraturile fluvial-marine levees (with similarities for the Letea levee). Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, p.795-806, 2010.
Romanescu G., Dinu C., Radu A., Torok L. Ecologic characteriyation of the fluviatile limans in the south-west Dobrudja and their economic implications (Romania). Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, p.25-38, 2010.
Romanescu G. Siret river basin planning (Romania) and the role of wetlands in diminishing the floods. WIT Transaction on Ecology and the Environment, p.439-453, 2009.
Tabara, D., Chirila, G The evolution of the Sarmatian palaeoclimate in North-Eastern Romania:A palaeobotanical approach. Analele Universitãţii ”Al. I. Cuza” din Iaşi - Seria Geologie (AUI-G), p.5-21, 2012.
Szakács, A., Pécskay, Z., Silye, L., Balogh, K., Vlad, D., Fülöp, A. On the age of the Dej Tuff, Transylvanian Basin (Romania). Geologica Carpathica, p.139-148, 2012.
Onaca_A., Urdea_P., Torok-Oance M., Ardelean_F. Electrical Resistivity Measurements in Sensitive Periglacial Environment from Southern Carpathians (Romania). Annals of DAAAM for 2011 & Proceedings of the 22nd International DAAAM Symposium, 2011.
Torok-Oance M., Ardelean Florina, Onaca A., Voiculescu M., Urdea P The evaluation of different types of digital elevation models for geomorphological applications in mountain areas.. Annals of DAAAM for 2010 & Proceedings of the 21st International DAAAM Symposium, 2010.
Torok - Oance M., Ardelean, F., Voiculescu, M.; Urdea, P. & Onaca, A. L Object-Based Terrain Classification as Tool for Improving the Quality of the Digital Geomorphological Maps: a Case Study in Retezat – Godeanu Range (Southern Carpathians). Annals of DAAAM for 2011 & Proceedings of the 22nd International DAAAM Symposium, 2011.
Moise, Cristian; Badea, Alexandru; Torok-Oance, Marcel; et al. Using geospatial technologies to elaborate the digital geomorphological map of Romania 1:200.000 scale. 16th International Conference the Knowledge-Based Organization: Applied Technical Sciences and Advanced Military Technologies, Conference Proceedings, p.435-440 , 2010.
Voiculescu, Mircea; Ardelean, Florina; Onaca, Alexandru; Torok-Oance, Marcel Analysis of snow avalanche potential in Balea glacial area – Fagaras massif (Southern Carpathians – Romanian Carpathians). Zeitschrift Fur Geomorphologie, p.291-316, 2011.
Torok-Oance, Marcel; Ardelean, Florina Object-oriented image analysis for detection of the barren karst areas. A case study: the central sector of the Mehedinti Mountains (Southern Carpathians). Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, p.249-254, 2012.
N. Gruber, R. Kuhns, J. F. Steurer, A. Stãnicã, I. C. Lipan, Tofan L.. , J. Mozingo, J. C. Roberge, T. Ehlinger, P. Ginther, J. D. Rosati Development of a Coastal Systems Operations Center for the Institutional Strengthening of Coastal Management along the Romanian Black Sea. Proceedings of the 2010 Watershed Management Conference: Innovations in Watershed Management under Land Use and Climate Change, 2010.
M-J.Adler, I.Lipan, J.C. Roberge, A. Stanica, S.Dan, P. Ginther, C. Swisher, J. Mozingo, T. Ehlinger, Tofan L. Integrated coastal zone management system for the romanian Black Sea Coast. Proceeding of CZM of River Deltas and Low land Coastline-First International Conference CZM of Rivers Deltas and Low Land Coastlines, Alexandria, Egipt , 2010.
Laura Alexandrov , Claudia Coman, Mariana Golumbeanu, Razvan Mateescu, Dan Vasiliu, Daniela Rosioru, Irina Cernisencu , Lucica Tofan and Valentina Dumitru Specificity of Romanian Black Sea Coast Changes Under Climate and Human Impact. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security Regional Aspects of Climate-Terrestrial-Hydrologic Interactions in Non-boreal Eastern Europe , 2009.