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premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


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FILIPESCU, S.; KAMINSKI, M.A.(eds) Eighth International Workshop on Agglutinated Foraminifera. Abstract Volume. Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication, p.1-66, 2008.

RASSER, M.V.; HARZHAUSER, M.; ANISTRATENKO, O.Y.; ANISTRATENKO, V.V.; BASSI, D.; BELAK, M.; BERGER, J.-P.,; BIANCHINI, G.; CICIC, S.; COSOVIC, V.; DOLÁKOVÁ, N.; DROBNE, K.; FILIPESCU, S.; GÜRS, K.; HLADILOVÁ, Š.; et al. Palaeogene and Neogene. The Geology of Central Europe, p.1031-1040, 2008.

FILIPESCU, S., KAMINSKI, M.A. Paleocene Deep-water Agglutinated Foraminifera in the Transylvanian Basin. Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Agglutinated Foraminifera, p.25-30, 2008.

TISCHLER, M.; MATENCO, L.; FILIPESCU, S.; GRÖGER, H.R.; WETZEL, A.; FÜGENSCHUH, B. Tectonics and sedimentation during convergence of the ALCAPA and Tisza�Dacia continental blocks: the Pienide nappe emplacement and its foredeep (N. Romania). Tectonic Aspects of the Alpine-Dinaride-Carpathian System, p.317-334, 2008.

KOVAC M, ANDREYEVA-GRIGOROVICH A, BAJRAKTAREVIC Z, BRZOBOHATY R, FILIPESCU S, FODOR L, HARZHAUSER M, OSZCZYPKO N, PAVELIC D, ROGL F, SAFTIC B, SLIVA L, KVACEK Z, HUDACKOVA N, SLAMKOVA M. Paleogeography of the Central Paratethys during the Karpatian and Badenian. Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Upper Tertiary, Brno, September 23-24, 2004, p.7-17, 2004.

FILIPESCU, S.; SILYE, L. New Paratethyan biozones of planktonic foraminifera described from the Middle Miocene of the Transylvanian Basin. Geologica Carpathica, p.537-544, 2008.

Giosan, L., Filip. F. and Constantinescu, S Was the Black Sea catastrophically flooded in the early Holocene?. Quaternary Science Reviews, p.1-6, 2009.

Dima, M, and G. Lohmann Conceptual model for millennial climate variability: a possible combined solar-thermohaline circulation origin for the ~1,500-year cycle. Climate Dynamics, p.301-311, 2008.

Venczel, M A new salamandrid amphibian from the Middle Miocene of Hungary and its phylogenetic relationships. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, p.41-59, 2008.

Calkins, J., Zandt, G., Girardi, J., Dueker, K., Ducea, M.N., and Gehrels, G.E. Characterization of the crust of the Coast Mountains Batholith, British Columbia, from P to S converted seismic waves and petrologic modeling. Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, p.145-155, 2010.

Luffi, P., Saleeby, J., Lee, C.T., and Ducea, M.N. Lithospheric mantle duplex beneath the central Mojave Desert. Journal of Geophysical Research, p.1-36, 2009.

Ducea, M.N., Kidder, S., Saleeby, J.B., and Chesley, J.T. Tectonic Underplating Of Trench Sediments Beneath Magmatic Arcs: The Central California Example. International Geology Review, p.1-26, 2009.

Valencia, V.A., Ducea, M.N. Talavera-Mendoza,O., Gehrels, G., Ruiz, J., and Shoemaker, S. U-Pb geochronology of granitoids in the north-western boundary of the Xolapa terrane. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, p.189-200, 2009.

Barbeau DL, Swanson-Hysell N, Olivero EB, Zahid KM, Gombosi DJ, Murray KE, Gehrels GE, Ducea MN Kinematic history of the Fuegian Andes as indicated by U-Pb detrital-zircon geochronology and rare earth element geochemistry of the Magallanes foreland basin. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, p.53-, 2008.

Saleeby, J., B., Ducea, M.N., Busby Cathy, J., Nadin Elisabeth, S., and Wetmore, P.H., Chronology of pluton emplacement and regional deformation in the southern Sierra Nevada Batholith, California. Geological Society of America Special Paper, p.397-427, 2008.

Blondes, M., S., Reiners Peter, W., Ducea Mihai, N., Singer Brad, S., and Chesley, J Temporal-compositional trends over short and long time-scales in basalts of the Big Pine volcanic field, California. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, p.140-154, 2008.

McQuarrie, N., Robinson, D., Long, S., Tobgay, T., Grujic, D., Gehrels, G., and Ducea, M. N. Preliminary stratigraphic and structural architecture of Bhutan: Implications for the along strike architecture of the Himalayan system. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, p.105-117, 2008.

Lammer, H.; Hanslmeier, A.; Schneider, J.; Stateva, I. K.; Barthelemy, M.; Belu, A.,; Bisikalo, D.; Bonavita, M.; Eybl, V.; Coudé Du Foresto, V. and 29 co-authors Exoplanet status report. Solar System Research, p.290-310, 2010.

Filipescu, S., Silye, L New Paratethyan biozones of planktonic foraminifera described from the Middle Miocene of the Transylvanian Basin (Romania). Geologica Carpathica, p.537-544, 2008.

Bojariu, R., R. Garcia-Herrera, L. Gimeno, T. Zhang, and O. W. Frauenfeld Cryosphere-Atmosphere Interaction Related to Variability and Change of Northern Hemisphere Annular Mode. Trends and Directions in Climate Research: Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., p.50-59, 2008.

A. Covasnianu, M.M. Cazacu, N. Libralesso, L. Galisson , M. Memier and I. Balin Digital Terrain Model by airborne LIDAR technique: an essential tool for hydrologic risks assessment. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, p.3529 ̵, 2007.

A. Covasnianu, M.M. Cazacu, I. Balin Advanced DTM generation using AIRBORNE LIDAR technique. StudiaCrescent - Geographia Technica, 2008.

I.R. Grigoras, A. Covasnianu, Ghe. Plesu, B. Venedict Topographic survey: From classical method to 3D laser scanning with application in civil engineering. StudiaCrescent - Geographia Technica, 2008.


Violeta Astratinei and Ioana Varduca Effect of metal pollution on aquatic microorganisms: mining areas case study. Transilvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research, p.111-119, 2008.

Costel Rizescu, Octavian Duliu, Calin Rickman Dual energy gamma-ray axial computer tomography investigation of some metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen, p.343 - 362, 2003.

Octavian Duliu, Florentin Preoteasa, Costel Rizescu, Gheorghe Georgescu X and Gamma – Ray CAT Investigation of Fungia fungites L. (Cnidaria, Scleractinia) Coral Skeleton. Journal of Trace and Microprobe Techniques, p.493 – 500, 2003.

Costel Rizescu, Gheorghe Georgescu, Octavian Duliu High density mineral inclusions in rocks evidenced by Gamma-ray tomodensitometry. Journal of Trace and Microprobe Techniques, p.119 - 129, 2001.

Costel Rizescu, Gheorghe Georgescu, Octavian Duliu, S. Szobotka 3-D dual gamma-ray computer axial tomography investigation of polymetallic nodules. Deep Sea Research, Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, p.2529-2540, 2001.

Carmen Cornateanu De la Gaurile Negre Supergigant, prin Big-Bang,la universul „Cub”. 2009.


Hoeck, V., Ionescu, C., Balintoni, I., Koller, F. The Eastern Carpathians „ophiolites” (Romania): Remnants of a Triassic ocean. Lithos, p.151-171, 2009.

J.P. Donnelly and L. Giosan Research Focus: Tempestuous highs and lows in the Gulf of Mexico. Geology, p.751-752, 2008.

J.W. Day and L. Giosan Survive or subside?. Nature Geoscience, p.156 - 157, 2008.

J. Maddox, J.B. Anderson, K.T. Milliken, A.B. Rodriguez, T.M. Dellapenna, and L. Giosan The Holocene evolution of the Galveston estuary complex, Texas: Evidence for rapid change in estuarine environments. GSA Special Publication, press, 2008.

C.M.G. McHugh, D. Gurung, L. Giosan, W.B.F. Ryan, Y. Mart, U. Sancar, L. Burckle and M.N. Çagatay The last reconnection of the Marmara Sea (Turkey) to the World Ocean: A paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic perspective. Marine Geology, 2008.

Ionescu, C., Ghergari, L. Caracteristici mineralogice si petrografice ale ceramicii romane din Napoca. In: Rusu-Bolindet, V. (2007) Ceramica romana din Napoca. Editura Mega Cluj-Napoca (685 p.), p.434-462, 2007.

Ionescu, C., Hoeck, V., Tomek, C., Koller, F. Balintoni, I., Besutiu, L New insights into the basement of the Transylvanian Depression (Romania). Lithos, p.172-191, 2009.

Moldovan O.T., Pipan T., Iepure S., Mihevc A., Mulec J. Biodiversity and ecology of fauna in percolating water in selected Slovenian and Romanian caves.. Acta Carsologica, p.493-501, 2007.

VLB Jaspers, AC Dirtu, MEens, H Neels, A Covaci Predatory bird species show different patterns of hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls (HO-PCBs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Environmental Science & Technology, p.3465-3471, 2008.

A Covaci, C Hura, A Gheorghe, H Neels, AC Dirtu Organochlorine contaminants in hair of adolescents from Iassy, Romania. Chemosphere, p.16-20, 2008.

S Harrad, C Ibarra, M Diamond, L Melymuk, M Robson, J Douwes, L Roosens, AC Dirtu, A Covaci Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in domestic indoor dust from Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and United States. Environment International, p. 232-238, 2008.

D Dragan, S Cucu-Man, AC Dirtu, R Mocanu, L Van Vaeck, A Covaci Occurrence of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in soils and sediments from Eastern Romania. Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, p.833-842, 2006.

Dirtu AC, Cernat R, Dragan D, Mocanu R, Van Grieken R, Neels H, Covaci A Organohalogenated pollutants in human serum from Iassy, Romania and their relation with age and gender. Environment International, p.797-803, 2006.

O.G. Iancu, R. Cossio, A. Korsakov, R. Compagnoni, C. Popa Cathodoluminescence spectra of diamonds in UHP rocks from the Kokchetav Massif, Kazakhstan. Journal of Luminescence, p.1684-1688, 2008.

E.Chirila, A. Bavaru, I.Carazeanu About accumulation factors of Cd, Cr, Cu and Pb in the Black sea coast biota. Rapport du commision internationale pour l’exploitation scientifique de la Mer Mediterranee, p.188, 2004.

C.Draghici, Gh Coman, E.Chirila Application of capillary electrophoresis for soil monitoring. Soil Chemical Pollution, Risk Assessment, Remediation and Security” (NATO Security through Science Series C: Environmental Security), p.385-393, 2008.

E.Chirila, I. Popovici Carazeanu Studies about remediation of contaminated soils with toxic metals. Soil Chemical Pollution, Risk Assessment, Remediation and Security” (NATO Security through Science Series C: Environmental Security, p.139-149, 2008.

E.Chirila, C.Draghici Contamination of soils by waste deposits. „Soil Chemical Pollution, Risk Assessment, Remediation and Security” (NATO Security through Science Series C: Environmental Security), p.13-25, 2008.

E.Chirila, T.Petisleam, D.P.Balaban, I Popovici Carazeanu New results concerning accumulation factors in the Black seacoast ecosystem. Rapp. Comm, Int. Mer Medit, p.249, 2007.