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Ioan Gabriel SANDU Research concerning the obtaining and characterization of new materials involved in conservation and restoration of works of art. Universitatea Tehnica "Gh. Asachi" Iasi, 2005.
Albu Bujor Gabriel Influence of surfactants upon polymer porous media. 1998.
D.M.Popovici Modelarea spatiului in universuri virtuale. 2004.
Adina Morozan Contributions to development of the alternative energy sources: direct methanol fuel cells. 2004.
Gabriela Debita The Gospel According to Eve – Early Modern Women Writers and Biblical Revision. -doctoral thesis in progress-, 2008.
Irina Mirea The Unbearable Evanescence of Being. Reflections of the Love Life during Transiency. 2005.
Ovidiu Vaduvescu Infrared Properties of Star Forming Dwarf Galaxies. York University, Toronto, 2005.
Raluca TIRON Quantum Tunneling of magnetisation in coupled molecular magnets. 2004.
Marius Dumitru Compositionality, the Language of Thought, and the Dynamic Map of Thought. 2005.
I. Georgescu Rational choice and revealed preference: a fuzzy approach. 2005.
Robu, V. Modelling cooperative negotiations in electronic environments with incomplete information. Master Thesis, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam., 2003.
Florin POPENTIU The Optimization of Complex Systems Reliability by Allocation Technique,PhD Thesis,Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest. PhD Thesis, 1984.
Florin Radu Fundamental Aspects of Exchange Bias Effect. -, p.235, 2005.
Alina Hurubean 1.Modele ale legitimarii puterii in modernitatea politica romaneasca. 2004.
Vlad Cojocaru Molecular motions at the 5′ stem-loop of U4 snRNA: Implications for U4/U6 snRNP assembly. 2005.
G. Albeanu Numerical and statistical analysis of some nonlinear models. 1996.
Alexandru Bogdan Duca Biserica Ortodoxa romana si clasa politica in postcomunism. Un approach teologico-politic. 2005.
Aniko Sandor Perceptual Interactions of Duration with Pitch and Rate of Change in Pitch: Implications for Sonification. Unpublished Master's Thesis, Rice University, 2004.
Alexandru Rap Inverse contaminant fluid flow problems using boundary element methods. 2005.
Radu V. Craiu Multivalent framework for exact and approximate sampling and resampling. 2001.
Liliana Veres Implicarea Extrapulmonara in Sarcoidoza.. Lucrare de Doctorat, 1997.
Vicentiu Radulescu Analyse de quelques problèmes aux limites elliptiques non linéaires aux limites elliptiques non linéaires. Habilitation, 2003.
M. Dima Production Rates of Strange Vector Mesons at the Z0 Resonance. SLAC-R-0505, Stanford Linear Accelerator Report, p.1-250, 1997.
Vicentiu Radulescu Analysis of some problems related to the Ginzburg-Landau equation. , p.120, 1995.
Eugen Axinte Contributii asupra rectificarii cu viteze mari de aschiere-conducator stiintific Pruteanu. 1998.
Coman Gigi Interacţiunea coloranţilor fungici cu sisteme disperse alimentare. 2004.
IONICA Gheorghe Contribution Regarding Elaboration Of Integrated System For Structural Analysis. 2004.
Marius Dumitru Aspecte meta-teoretice ale problematicii mediului reprezentational mental. 2004.
V. Popovici Kernel–based Classifiers with Applications to Face Dectection. 2004.
Georgeta Sas Identification de marqueurs autonomiques chez les patients hypertendus à risque de fibrillation auriculaire. 2004.
Mihaela Bratu Viabilitatea si completitudinea unei piete financiare cu timp discret. 2004.
Liliana Buda Developpement d’un code de calcul micromagnetique 2D et 3D: Application a des systemes reels de types films, plots et fils.. 2001.
Liviu Vladutu Computational Intelligence Methods on Biomedical Signal Analysis and Data Mining in Medical Records. 2004.
Angela Sutan An experimental investigation of the eductive abilities of agents in negative feedback environments. 2001.
Cristian Spanu Electrolytic In Process Dressing (ELID) Applied To Double Side Grinding of Ceramic Materials. The University of Toledo in Toledo, Ohio, p.360, 2004.
Maria Mihaita Deviaţii de comportament socio-etologic la canine de companie. 2004.
Ciprian Man Characteristics of Information Technology Supported Work Systems: The human factor and teleworking’s impact, in the context of the virtualization of work processes. 2004.
Coman Gigi Interacţiunea coloranţilor fungici cu sisteme disperse alimentare. 2004.
Eduard George Mindirigiu „Crist’s presence in The Holy Sacrament”. 2004.
Radu Vasilache Metode de detecţie a radiaţiilor nucleare. Detectori TL pentru doze mici. 2002.
G. Moagar-Poladian (sub indrumarea prof.dr. Ion Munteanu) MOS transistors with optically controlled gate. 1999.
Alexandru Bogdan Duca Documentele dogmatice ale conciliului Vatican II.O lectura ortodoxa. 2003.
C. Harnagea Local piezoelectric response and domain structures in ferroelectric thin films investigated by voltage-modulated force microscopy. Ph.D. Thesis, p.95, 2001.
Sandu Irina Crina Anca Cercetarea proceselor de imbatranire a materialelor organice din structura picturilor vechi cu straturi de preparatie. , p.303, 2003.
L.Toro Numerical Solution of the Transport Equation for Radioactive Element Migration in Saturated and Unsaturated Porous Media. 2000.
Ioan Sturzu Studii asupra evolutiei sistemelor clasice si cuantice. 2002.
Alin Achim Novel Bayesian Multiscale Methods for Image Denoising using Alpha-Stable Distributions. 2003.
Mariana Stan, Alessio Perrone, Davide Guido Metoda reducerii conglomeratelor de pe filme subtiri cu ajutorul PLD. 2003, p.-, 2003.